
Notes from Nowhere

þriðjudagur, maí 16, 2006


I keep on seeing wolverine friends walk by. Be they huskies, wolves, long dogs and grey, even a chance fox in the basement - but this was freaked out where the wolfs - I like the word better without the 'v', itmakes it more like them; strong, marginal, spare, knowing and wise but with the scent of danger and wild longings about them - where most of these omen friends seem almost placid - and maybe their wildness has drained into a feral or domestic basin, as so many seem to tug tethers to a man, its true - they are there on every corner, at each approach to nowhere.

What is this? I say 'omen friends' 'cos whilst so many jog by, content and quiet, focused on the way ahead (where to? Do they drag their de- domestised feral men-pets behind them north? To the wild woods? To the creek or the mountain crag where the moon bids them cry out their long wolfy names to the four winds?), they each speak a secret..

The same secret? The same spell of nonsense, quietude, profundity? A wolverine quire conspires to sing a one-note symphony to my quivering ears, to my whiskered cheeks? What is this note, this spell, this secret? Were that you could tell, little handheld, stupid ether, blank void. Were that my asking you this with little pokes of this telescpic stylus would result in some resounding shout a big 'yEs', a flash or beaten pan in the mudflat nights.

As I write (and as I interact with my geo/physical friends, increasingly), I sense a madness, a homelessness of the mind. A space before the question, the silence before the waves move.. The bump in the cycle as the lead wheel overlaps again, a tremulous little hil to climb and fall again. The wolfs are at my door tonight, and tonight I've no question but the wild. Tonight I'm leaving. I'm gone.


At 2:57 f.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Beautiful. Were you aware I was one of your wolverine friends?

At 4:36 f.h., Blogger Jade said...

It's funny, I have the opposite feeling about the word wolves...I love the 'v' sound as it reverberates in my mouth in a dangerous way, like alot of 'v' words do...vampish, volatile, veer, avarice and lavicious...

At 5:29 f.h., Blogger Anonymous said...

I also like that quality, but it was the qualities of the 'f' that I was struck by. I think you are onto something with the 'v' thing.

I thought you might like this thesaurus return for "lascivious".

Great, huh? ;-)

At 11:34 f.h., Blogger Jade said...

Damn...I was so tired and cranky when I wrote that comment and I even checked google for the right spelling because I could FEEL it was bloody wrong..but anyway...'he capers nimbly in a ladys chamber' is my particular faveourite...

At 12:14 e.h., Blogger Jade said...

Hey, Anon? This is off topic I know, but I was recently told that you were upset by me and one of my friends adding you as a 'faveourite blog' link without asking you first and i just wanted to check with you about this...when i originally added you, I had no idea of any kind of blog etiquitte and I just added you because I loved your writing and wanted a quick link for me and any other anon fans, to have...I'm really sorry if this was too forward of me and I deleted your link as soon as I became aware this problem...anyway...Im just wondering...

At 12:21 e.h., Blogger Jade said...

*ettiquette*! For gawds sake! Please excuse my atrocious spelling...oh dear, is that how you spell atrocious?

At 4:44 e.h., Blogger Anonymous said...

Yes, I really liked the capers line too, but then I do really like capers. But what the hell are they? A jar full of them tried to kill me the other day, but that's another story..

I wasn't intending to draw attention to your typo, I just wanted to know if there was a new word I didn't know. Isn't the thesaurus a fantasic thing!

I was touched and flattered by the link, I enjoy your blog and it was very much appreciated. I still find it a surprise that people like reading my writing. I'm sorry if someone gave you a different idea.

I was going to, and still might write an article on 'bletiquette' as I'd like to call it (if someone hasn't already). I'll keep you posted..


At 2:55 f.h., Blogger Jade said...

hrm.....I can only enjoy capers sparingly...and only with Salmon...but they tried to kill you? Little buggers! Glad to hear I got the wrong information about things and Ive re-added was getting very tedious typing in your address manually every damn time...I'm a little sick of the whole blog etiquette thing to be honest but hopefully your article will contain a bit of spoofing so I can get a laugh...and as for being surprised that people love your writings? They're wonderful...

At 12:33 f.h., Blogger Suze said...

Hey anon, I've been avoiding you for similar grumpy (i'm sure there's a v word synonym) feedback. Apparently all of my comments are narcissistic and out of order, not to mention anti blog etiquette, whatever the f that is? And the dettol comment...I'm sorry if that offended you too, I really was just trying to offer you genuine condolences from across the equator. But despite all of that, I've missed you and I hope you are well.

At 5:46 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

call me "little miss pedantic shoes" if you wish, but i feel it is my duty as a teacher to let you know that no matter how much you like it, the correct word is "wolves".



ps: sorry about earlier


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